Try these 2021 wellbeing tips with NutriShape
How did your wellbeing shape up last year? Increased stress from uncertainty, periods of closed gyms, adapting to new work from home schedules and home schooling kids all combined to throw even the most health conscious of us off balance.
In the face of these challenges, looking after our health and prioritising fitness might have taken the back seat. Maybe you were tempted to comfort eat and up your alcohol intake. But worry not because 2021 is here and this is your year for newfound health and exercise habits.
Try these easy wellness tips to help you stay accountable, get motivated and boost your energy levels.
Step it up
Walking out in the fresh air every day is not only a great way to keep post-Covid kilos at bay but walking is also proven to be an instant mood elevator. Why not try a step-counting app like Stepz and set yourself a measurable daily goal?
Switch perspectives
Try flipping your mindset from ‘I’ve been stressed, I deserve a treat,’ to ‘I deserve to look after myself better than ever’ or ‘I don’t break promises to myself.’ With practice, you’ll be surprised how effective this mantra is whenever you’re tempted to reach for the biscuit tin.
Nature first
Every time you feel that urge to eat something sugary or fatty, choose nature first. Keep your cupboards stocked up with fruits, honey, nuts, seeds and avocados.
Dine in
Less eating out and more preparing nutritious meals at home is always a good way to stay on top of calories. Meal prepping at the start of the week will limit the last minute takeaways.
Distract & delay
Treat yourself after you complete that task on your to-do list. Sometimes by delaying the snack and focusing on something productive, you can forget all about the craving altogether.
Shake it up
A healthy meal in a shake, NutriShape is a delicious chocolately option to help kick-start your health goals. High in protein and fiber so you feel fuller for longer, NutriShape shakes are fortified with Vitamins and Minerals to make sure you don’t miss out on the goodness your body needs. They’re great to keep handy for when you’re really busy, when you feel like a sugar fix, to supplement your lunchtime salad or even as a pre-workout boost.
NutriShape Meal Replacement Shake Chocolate sachets are full of natural goodness!
- Gluten free
- Vegetarian
- Probiotics
- Low GI
- 25 Vitamins and minerals
- Made in Australia
Learn more about our delicious shakes here.
Try NutriShape Meal Replacement Shakes here.
Written by Lisa